Punch Man

Punch Man
6 Achievements
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Punch Novice · 5xp Score 100 Or More In Punch Man

Punch Man on Lagged.com

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Quickly punch all of the enemies running towards you. Simply tap left or right to punch in that direction. Do not miss any of your punches or you will be over run and then it is game over. Keep punching furiously in this exciting game that offers high scores and achievements. Try to get to the top of the leaderboards to show the world your skills.

How to play: Arrow keys or tap left/right to punch.

Punch Man is an online skill game that we hand picked for Lagged.com. This is one of our favorite mobile skill games that we have to play. Simply click the big play button to start having fun. If you want more titles like this, then check out Slice Fruit or Stick Running.

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