

Weightlifter on Lagged.com

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Weightlifter is a challenging and addictive game that tests your strength and endurance. In the game, you take control of a weightlifter who must lift increasingly heavy weights. The goal is to lift as much weight as possible without dropping the barbell. The game is played in two phases: the snatch and the clean and jerk. In the snatch, you must lift the barbell from the floor to overhead in one smooth motion. In the clean and jerk, you must first lift the barbell to your chest, then jerk it overhead. The weight of the barbell increases as you progress through the game. You can also unlock new weightlifting equipment, such as weightlifting shoes and wrist wraps, to help you lift more weight.

How to play: Click or touch to play.

Weightlifter is an online puzzle game that we hand picked for Lagged.com. This is one of our favorite mobile puzzle games that we have to play. Simply click the big play button to start having fun. If you want more titles like this, then check out Balloons Creator or Pull the Pin. Developed by NapTech Games.

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