Bitcoin Tap Tap Mine

Bitcoin Tap Tap Mine

Bitcoin Tap Tap Mine on

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Tap on the screen to earn bitcoin. Collect enough bitcoin to purchase hardware upgrades. Increase your earning potential to purchase even better upgrades. Fancy your chances? Spin the wheel to win cool bitcoin prizes. Tap the bitcoin faucet to earn free bitcoins. Collect bitcoin donations from anonymous donors (because there's plenty of rich people on the internet) Flex your fingers and get ready! Fans of idle and clicker games will love this. Oh, and did we mention DAILY bitcoin prizes? Collect prizes from Day 1 to Day 5, they get exponentially better every time! Features: - Extremely simple and clean UI - Tiered upgrade system that covers everything from miner hardware, hashing algorithms, cheap electricity and mining pools - Step by step tutorial - Mini games within the game, to encourage players to come back

How to play: Build your bitcoin empire

Bitcoin Tap Tap Mine is an online skill game that we hand picked for This is one of our favorite mobile skill games that we have to play. Simply click the big play button to start having fun. If you want more titles like this, then check out Pepe Coin Clicker or Idle Farm. Developed by MarketJS.

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