Idle Town Billionaire

Idle Town Billionaire

Idle Town Billionaire on

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Build and manage your own thriving metropolis from scratch, transforming a small plot of land into a bustling city. Upgrade buildings, unlock new structures, and earn rewards, bonuses, and special perks as your town grows in wealth and prestige. With endless opportunities for growth, exploration, and fun, you'll create a lasting legacy that generates idle income even when you're away. Choose your path and build the city of your dreams, one click at a time.

How to play: Click or tap to play.

Idle Town Billionaire is an online strategy game that we hand picked for This is one of our favorite mobile strategy games that we have to play. Simply click the big play button to start having fun. If you want more titles like this, then check out Idle Farm World or Pandemic Simulator. Developed by MarketJS.

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